Sending Stone Virtual Table Top

I like searching the odd and out of the way. I like supporting small independent folks too. And that’s why occasionally I go surfing for an odd VTT now and then. I stumbled upon Sending Stone this time.

Sure, I do use Owlbear Rodeo but in case something goes wrong then I like to have a back up. That’s some what simple. I don’t need a lot of bells and whistles. Sending Stone gives you what you need. You have a simple VTT set up very similar to Owlbear Rodeo and die roller. But It also throws in text and voice/video chat. Now, there is a bit of catch. For everybody to be on video, you need to pay up. But they did some thing different, it’s not a monthly or a yearly subscription. Instead, it’s $3 for an 8 hour session. So if you don’t play for a month then it doesn’t cost anything. It’s an interesting business model.

This doesn’t mean that there’s something that I do find kind of annoying. You can put video filters on. Hey I look like an elf! I know my players some are going to play around with that way too much. But that’s just my little corner of the universe.

Any way, Sending Stone is another one of those easy and potentially inexpensive virtual table tops that are out there that are worth a couple of minutes to check out.

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