Category Archives: Two Minutes of Hate

The ORC License is LIVE!

I know this is been out for a couple of days but I wanted to take some time to digest it.

Overall, it looks pretty good but then I’m not a lawyer so don’t look here for legal advice. It has similar terms to the OGL. It is irrevocable. So those are good things. The transition shouldn’t be to difficult. I think.

There’s no morality clause and it looks like they took as many steps as possible to make sure that nobody controls the license itself now that it’s in the wild. I’m there will brighter minds than me that will chime in on this and personally, I’ll wait and see for a while before I pull the trigger on anything with the ORC license. Just call me paranoid.

So the best advice that I can give is go read it for yourself. Think about and consider and listen to wiser folks in the world about it. Like I said, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it or if I’m going to do anything with it. Like I said, paranoid. I just feel there’s something that I may have missed. But I’m sure there will be some Internet drama about it.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Happy Monday. Watch this…

Man this is a long video but I started it last night and keep bouncing around inside my head. I woke at 4 am this morning and finished it. Yeah, I didn’t sleep that well but I kept thinking about it. So here it is.

I encourage folks to share and make this one go viral. Sure there’s stuff that I don’t 100% agree with but that’s OK. There’s too many words of wisdom need to be spread.

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More Unpopular RPG Opinions

This was fun last time so let’s try again. And some recent events have added a few more. Just like everybody else I got an opinion.

It’s good not being an “Influencer”: Oh there was that recent summit. You know the one. But it’s pretty good not being one of the cool kids. Sure I have this little blog. But I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll never be one of the big names. That’s perfectly. I can pretty much write whatever I want. I’m not at the mercy of the largess of big name company. I don’t have to life up to the expectations of some rabid fan base.

There’s no one right way to play games: But there are plenty of wrong ways: I’ll just let you meditate on the one. Think over.

“Just make something up” is perfectly good advice: Oh I see so many questions when the old school and new school paths cross. There just seems to be such a fear of breaking the rules. Going against the intentions of the game designer. Really, just make something up and move on. Maybe decided correctly. Maybe you didn’t. If you make a mistake. Admit it. Fix it. And move on. Don’t double down on it.

You can like more than one game: Oh shocker! I don’t know why liking different games sets off some folks. I just don’t get it.

You haven’t actually read the book, have you? My god! I want say that on so many groups and forums. Everyone can miss a couple of things but some of the questions are pretty obvious. The person asking just hasn’t read the book at all.

OK. That’s enough rants for today.

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Movies To Watch This Weekend Other Than That One

Hey, there’s that big movie coming out this weekend. You know the one from the corporation that pretty much wanted to destroy the RPG industry. Remember that?

OK. WOTC has irked me for a lot of years with some of the their shenanigans but this whole OGL train wreck was really the final straw. I don’t trust them and I’ll bet this thing isn’t over. So yes. I’m avoiding the movie this weekend. Just maybe when I can stream it. But then it’s still just a maybe. So instead here’s some my picks for this weekend’s movie viewing pleasure.

I’m not going to search these for you on where they are streaming but most are free services. Just look for them. Or in one case, I actually have the DVD.

Gamers Dorkness Rising: Sure it’s the second movie and you might miss out on some in-jokes that refer to the first one. But just go watch it.

Mythica. Sure it’s low budget. But hell. The main characters are a fighter, thief, cleric and magic-user. Oh and yes. They meet in a tavern.

Princess Bride. Really, I shouldn’t have to explain this one to you.

Hawk The Slayer. Really this was the D&D Movie before there ever was a D&D Movie.

And finally dig up that old copy of the first D&D movie. I know it’s painful but it just seems like the thing to do.

There’s lots more movies too. There’s the classic Harryhausen movies and many more. There’s only so many hours in the weekend. Watch what you want. Go out there and have fun the way want to. But for me, I’m still miffed.

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RPGs are Cook Books

I’ve made lots of comparisons to RPG’s are like cooking likethe Bacon Cheese Burger of Offense and Pizza, Pineapple & RPG’s. Well with all this OGL drama it got me thinking again.

Photo by Lukas on

Let me get the easy part out the way first. Publishers make rules. Gamers make the actual game. Like a cook book, the rule book is just a recipe. OK, yes. I know baking is chemistry but the savory or other stuff is more art than science. That’s where the cooking part comes in. Really, most recipes are just guidelines. You can tweak as you see fit. It does take skill and know how but it can be done. It’s very much once it’s out of the publishers hands, it’s the people at the gaming table that actually make the final “product”. So there. So publishers, tough luck, you don’t get any say what goes on at individual tables. When the dice meet the table, it’s not your game any more.

Now this whole thing also applies to strangers. Even with all this stuff about the OGL, there’s still folks who seemed more obsessed with happening at strangers table. Really, with this crap going on? Let’s give up that crap forever. I see that ugly specter coming back to online chatter. Sigh.

So there it is. An RPG’s are cook books. They’re guidelines for you to have something cool at your table. Don’t let any publisher or stranger tell other wise.

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